Overprint Retrospective
Overprint Retrospective
Overprint Project is a student based group at California College of the Arts that brings together MFA design students from all levels to design posters — both independently and collaboratively for the lectures, workshops, and events hosted by the MFA Design department. Since 2014, various incarnations of Overprint Project have provided MFA Design students extracurricular opportunities to work quickly, explore, and experiment through the medium of the poster.
I was on a team of MFA students that created a retrospective exhibit showcasing six years’ worth of Overprint posters, hosted at the CCA Hubbell Street Project Space. The exhibition provided a unique opportunity to see student-generated ephemera presented both retrospectively and concurrently. Viewers were able to observe the shifting visual and procedural interests of MFA Design students over time, and then experiment with poster construction themselves in a poster making workshop.
The exhibition team included Rebecca Gardea, :Dom Granato, Chloe Looker, Troy Taylor, and myself. We collaboratively split and shared curation, design, installation, and hosting duties.